Visual Ergonomics has been an iVent client for many years and had last received a website redesign back in 2013.

With all the changes in website design, mobile responsive design and online marketing since then, Visual Ergonimics agreed it was time for new website.

The previous website was built on Joomla (which serverd the client well for many years) and already stood on solid footing with a strong brand, so our designers aimed to find the right balance between pushing for a new feeling while preserving its established style.

See the redesigned Visual Ergonomics website.

Blue Mountains Joomla! Development
The Old Visual Ergonomics Site
Blue Mountains WordPress Development  

New modern look. Familar feel.

Attractive, full-bleed photography will be the first thing you notice when you visit the new site. No longer is the website boxed in. It takes full advantage of the screen real estate, while still keeping the content simply formatted, making it easy to read and understand.

Responsive design.

This new screen experience allows the site to fit the device - from wide screen desktops, to tablets and mobile phones.

Responsive web design allows us to build sites that provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices - whether you’re on a smartphone or a 27” monitor. It allows easy reading and navigation without the drudgery of resizing, panning, and scrolling or the time and expense of building customized mobile apps.

Blue Mountains WordPress Development
Blue Mountains WordPress Development  

Built on Wordpress. Fast. Secure. Easy to use.

The new website is now built on Wordpress, keeping the client's CMS user experience top of mind by making it easier for the client to add, edit and manage content. WordPress is very easy for the client to use and has an intuitive interface. Adding new pages, posts, images, etc. on a regular basis is a breeze and can be done quickly.

See the redesigned Visual Ergonomics website.